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EXTERNAL FEATURES A feature unique to Magar Qim Temples is this external niche with a 2m high central pillar. Beside this niche is the so called ‘oracle hole’ connecting it to the internal chambers. EAST ‘REMAINS’ These remains are not as well-preserved as the other two temples. In one of the chambers are a number of rounded stones, which may have originally been used as ‘rollers’ for moving megaliths. TEMPLE ROOFING These courses are the remains of the base of a corbelled roof, the type of construction that may have originally been used to roof over parts of the temple. STONE STATUETTES A collection of four statuettes depicting obese figures were found below some steps during restoration works in 1949. THE MIDDLE TEMPLE This temple is approached across a platform and its entrance has the largest porthole slab (a stone slab pierced by a rectangular aperture to form a doorway) found in any temple. The platform was constructed to form a level base for the building since it was constructed on a natural slope. TEMPLE ALIGNMENT The South Temple is perfectly aligned with the rising sun at the equinoxes (20th/ 21st March and 22nd/23rd September). On these days, the sun rises in line with the main axis of this temple. During the solstices (21st June and 21st/22nd December) the sun rises in line with the corners of the door jambs, so that only a narrow beam of light enters the temple. THE EAST TEMPLE A large portion of the walls of this small temple have been reconstructed, however, the uprights displaying pitted decoration are original. One theory is that the irregular lines of dots found on the sides of these uprights may represent a crude calendar or counting system. HAMRIJA TOWER, THE CONGREVE MEMORIAL AND FILFLA Hamrija Tower The Hamri a Tower is one of thirteen coastal towers built by Grand Master De Redin in 1658/59. These towers were part of the Islands’ defensive svstem, and were built to quark them trom enemy landings and incursions. Congreve Memorial Further along the cost is the Congreve Memorial commemorating General Sir Walter Norris, Governor of Malta, who died in office in 1927. Congreve was buried at sea between this point and the islet of Filfla. Filfla Filfla is one of the smallest islands of the Maltese archipelago. Some prehistoric pottery shards were found on this rocky islet suggesting that it may have been visited in prehistory, Unere are also records of a chapel on Filfla in the late Middle Ages. The islet was used for target practice by the Royal Navy during the 20th century. It is now protected for its ecological value. Text Source: Malta Heritage