In June 2023, we had the chance to capture the stunning night sky over Tübingen, Germany. Right on the banks of the Neckar River, we observed and photographed the constellations and their stars. The night sky above Tübingen revealed: Libra (Zubeneschamali, Zubenelgenubi II), Bootes (Arcturus, Izar, Muphrid), Coma Berenices, Canes Venatici, Corona Borealis (Alphecca), Hercules, Serpens (Unukalhai), Virgo (Spica, Porrima), Leo (Denebola), Corvus (Gienah), Hydra, Ophiuchus (Saik), Scorpius (Antares, Dschubba, Acrab), Pollux.
*This episode was also possible thanks to equipment we got on Amazon. Get yours on Amazon:
(ATUMTEK 51" Stand)
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