Nemeth/Star Productions - Picture Gallery

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Every August, we can enjoy the night of the Perseids. They can be found in the night sky between the constellations Camelopardalis (Giraffe) and Cassiopeia. We start this episode at the zenith of the sky with the constellations: Cepheus (with the star Alderamin), Cygnus (with the stars Deneb, Sadr, Aljanah, Fawaris), Delphinus, Draco (with the stars Eltanin, Rastaban), Sagitta, Hercules, Lacerta, Lyra (with the star Vega), Pegasus (with the stars Scheat, Matar), Equuleus, and Vulpecula. We can also see the supernova remnant NGC 6960 and the star regions Veil Nebula and North America Nebula. The home of the Perseids is between the constellations Camelopardalis and Cassiopeia. We also observe other constellations in these pictures, such as: Andromeda (with the stars Mirach, Alpheratz, Almach), Cassiopeia (with the stars Navi, Shedar, Caph), Cepheus, Lacerta, Pegasus (with the stars Scheat, Markab), Perseus (with the stars Mirfak, Algol), Pisces, Triangulum, Aquila (with the star Tarazed), Delphinus, Sagitta, Lacerta, Vulpecula, and Aquarius. We can also see the nebula IC 1831 and the Andromeda Galaxy. All pictures licensed CC--BY 4.0