Nemeth/Star Productions - Picture Gallery

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We have returned to Buccleuch, in northern Johannesburg for another stargazing night with other constellations. Tonight we can see the constellations and stars: Pyxis, Pictor, Carina (Carina Nebula, Canopus, Miaplacidus, Avior), Centaurus (Muhlifain), Columba, Crater, Crux (Southern Cross) (Gacrux), Alwazn, Dorado, Canis Major (Adhara, Wezen. Mirzam), Canis Minor (Procyon), Hydra, Antlia, Volans, Puppis (Naos), Vela (Suhel, Regor, Suhail al Muhlif, Alsephina), Orion (Rigel, Tabit), Gemini, Taurus, Eridanus (Al Taj II) *This episode was also possible thanks to equipment we got on Amazon. Get yours on Amazon: (ATUMTEK 51" Stand) (iPhonePro): (Telescope): As in our other documentary productions we count on the technology of the iPhone and this is how the iPhone 14Pro / iPhone Xs makes astrophotography. We use the following apps to support our astrophotography: iPhone NightMode, Stellarium, NightSky, Astrometry Net and NightCap.