Picture the Food
The world food collection

SPACE-FRIDAY: PHOTOGRAPHY presents the night sky and places relevant to astronomy, science and research. Our stargazing images showcase the beauty of the night sky at various locations on Earth.
You can now join our new Signal group “SPACE-FRIDAY: The Talk”, to talk with people about Astronomy, Science & Space. https://signal.group/#CjQKIBZWmt57f4O58ORpQyMj1FbYfWMo3v0WILUxX93IhRIQEhDnyBfyv_7sTW7z6gd_ji5l

Orbit Mzansi: Photography
All pictures are licensed under CC-BY 4.0
Please credit as follows
Photo: Sven Nemeth
Published by: Nemeth/Star Productions (https://nemethstarproductions.eu)

Orbit Mzansi: Get styled by Tsholofelo
This new lifestyle show of Tsholofelo Moloto introduces different art in hair and beauty. She will present you the south african way of hair and beauty art. Orbit Mzansi: Get styled by Tsholofelo © Nemeth/Star Productions & Teestarr Magix 2021

Veb Italia: Photography
All pictures are licensed under CC-BY 4.0
Please credit as follows
Photo: Sven Nemeth
Published by: Nemeth/Star Productions (https://nemethstarproductions.eu)

Yim Thong of Thailand: Photography
All Pictures of Yim Thong of Thailand: Photography are licensed under CC-BY 4.0
Please credit as follows
Photo: Sven Nemeth
Published by: Nemeth/Star Productions (https://nemethstarproductions.eu)
Copyright: CC BY 4.0

Frankfurt Oberforsthaus and Rennbahn City Forest
Durch meine regelmäßigen Spaziergänge in den letzten Jahren durch den Stadtwald rundum das Oberforsthaus und die Rennbahn in Frankfurt am Main, war es mir möglich die Veränderungen des Waldes zu beobachten. Da ich sehr gerne Fotografiere habe ich einige meiner Spaziergänge auf Fotos festgehalten die ich mit Euch teilen möchte.
Da es vielleicht dem ein oder anderen Spezialisten:in unter Euch geben wird, dem dieser Bilder vielleicht hilfreich bei seiner/Ihrer täglichen Arbeit sein können, sind alle Bilder unter der Lizenz: CC-BY 4.0 hier veröffentlicht.
Through my regular walks in recent years through the city forest around the Oberforsthaus and the Rennbahn in Frankfurt am Main, it was possible for me to observe the changes in the forest. Since I like to take pictures, I took some of them and would like to share them with you.
Since there may be one or the other specialist among you, which these images may be helpful in daily work, all images are published under the license: CC-BY 4.0 here.
Als Quellenangabe für weitere Veröffentlichungen bitte folgendes angeben: / Please indicate the following as source for further publications:
Photo: Sven Nemeth
Publisher: Nemeth/Star Productions
License: CC-BY-4.0